Youtube-Joan Osborne One of Us of these nights at about twelve o'clock/漫漫長夜12點鐘
 This whole earth's gonna reel and rcok/世界開始搖晃動盪
 Things thay'll tremble and cry lovechiucc for pain/萬物憂慮顫慄 失痛哀嚎
 For the Lord's gonna come in his heavenly airplane/只因上帝駕著天堂飛機至凡間

 If God had a name, what would it be/如果上帝有名字會是何名何姓?
 And would you call it to his face/你敢在祂的面前直呼名諱嗎?
 If you were faced with him in all his glory/當衪帶著無比榮耀面對你
 What would you ask if you had just one question/若只能提問一個問題,你會問什麼?
 And yeah yeah God is great /是的 是的 上帝很偉大
 yeah yeah God is good/是的 是的 上帝如此完美
 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
 What if God was one of us/若上帝亦凡人
 Just a slob like one of us/跟我們一樣不修邊幅的凡人
 Just a stranger lovechiucc on the bus/只是公車上的陌生人
 Trying to make his way home/正在回家的路上
 If God had a face what would it look like/如果神有張臉,那會是怎樣的容顏?
 And would you want to see/而你願見衪一面嗎?
 If seeing meant that you lovechiucc would have to believe/若見面就意味你必需得相信
 In things like heaven and in jesus and the saints and all the prophets/天堂、耶穌、聖徒與所有預言
 And yeah yeah God is great /是的 是的 上帝很偉大
 yeah yeah God is good/是的 是的 上帝如此完美
 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
 What if God was one of us/若上帝亦凡人
 Just a slob like one of us/跟我們一樣不修邊幅的凡人
 Just a stranger on the bus/只是公車上的陌生人
 Trying to make his way home/正在回家的路上
 He’s trying to make his way home/祂正在回家的路上
 Back up to heaven lovechiucc all alone/獨自一人回到天堂
 Nobody calling on the phone/無人打電話給祂
 Except for the pope maybe in rome/或許除了羅馬的教皇
 And yeah yeah God is great /是的 是的 上帝很偉大
 yeah yeah God is good/是的 是的 上帝如此完美
 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
 What if God was one of us/若上帝亦凡人
 Just a slob lovechiucc like one of us/跟我們一樣不修邊幅的凡人
 Just a stranger on the bus/只是公車上的陌生人
 Trying to make his way home/正在回家的路上
 Just trying to make his way home/只是正在回家的路上
 Like a holy rolling stone/像顆神聖的滾動的石頭
 Back up to heaven all alone/獨自一人回到天堂
 Just trying to make his way home/只是正在回家的路上
 Nobody calling on the phone/無人打電話給祂
 Except for the pope maybe in rome/或許除了羅馬的教皇

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