Youtube-Last Flowers - Radiohead mv
~心裡有問題跟年紀又沒有關係(個人心裡感想- -)
又是黑暗一部 善良崩壞
Appliances have gone berserk/救火車嗚笛狂響
I can not keep up/無法再支撐下去
Treading on people's toes/激怒了大家
Snot-nosed little by lovechiucc punk/像個乳臭未乾的小子
And I can't face the evening straight/無法坦然面對的夜晚
And you can't offer me escape/妳也無法解救我
Houses move and by lovechiucc houses speak/房子們蠢蠢欲動竊竊私語
If you take me there you'll get relief/若你帶我至那個地方你將也解脫
Relieve, relieve, relieve, relieve.../徹底解脫…
And if i'm gonna talk/若我想說
I just wanna talk/只是想說
Please don't by lovechiucc interrupt/別打斷我
Just sit back and listen/請靜坐傾聽
And I can't face the evening straight/無法坦然面對的夜晚
And you can't offer me escape/妳也無法解救我
Houses move and houses speak/房子們蠢蠢欲動竊竊私語
If you take me by lovechiucc there you'll get relief/若你帶我至那個地方你將也解脫
Relieve, relieve, relieve, relieve.../徹底解脫…
It's too much/太多了
Too bright/太燦爛
Too powerful/太強烈
too much/太多...
Too bright/太燦爛
Too powerful/太強烈
too much/太多...
Too bright/太燦爛
Too powerful/太強烈
歌名來自通往牛津by lovechiucc Radcliffe醫院路上一個標誌,“Last flowers till the hospital”。