Rihanna 娜妹這次的"who' That Chick",拍了兩個迥異風格的mv
在對比上的有趣,像是數字7 vs 13 ,蝴蝶 vs 蝙輻,可愛小熊 vs 骷髏頭,約克夏 vs 鬥牛犬(笑)
Rihanna - Who's that Chick
Feel the adrenaline moving under my skin
It's an addiction such an eruption
Sound is my remedy feeding me energy
Music is all I need.by lovechiucc
Baby, I just wanna dance
寶貝 我只想跳舞
I don't really care I just wanna dance
真得不在乎 我只想跳舞
I don't really care... care... care (feel it in the air... yeah)
我真得 真得不在乎(感受空氣裡的音樂震撼…)
She's been a crazy dita disco diva... and you wonder:
"Who's that chick? who's that chick?"
Too cold for you to keep her
她太冷酷 佔有不了
Too hot for you to leave her
她太火辣 難忘不了
Who's that chick? who's that chick?
Who's that chick? who's that chick?
Who's that chick? who's that chick?
Back on the dancefloor better not to take me home
快回舞廰 別帶我回家
Bass kicking so hot blazing through my beating heart
重貝斯熱浪 震透心房
French kissing on the floor, heart is beating hardcore
法式熱吻 小鹿亂撞
Heard everybody is getting a little sexy on the crazy juice
This will end up in the news by lovechiucc
Baby, I just wanna dance
寶貝 我只想跳舞
I don't really care I just wanna dance
真得不在乎 我只想跳舞
I don't really care... care... care (feel it in the air... yeah
我真得 真得不在乎(感受空氣裡的音樂震撼…)
She's been a crazy dita disco diva... and you wonder:
"Who's that chick? who's that chick?"
Too cold for you to keep her
她太冷酷 佔有不了
Too hot for you to leave her
她太火辣 難忘不了
Who's that chick? who's that chick?
I'll try to sex you up the night has got me love sprung
性感勾引 挑逗思春
I won't stop until the sun is up oh yeah
不停歇 黑夜到白晝
My heart is a dancer beating like a disco drum oh oh uh oh
I'll try to sex you up the night has got me love sprung
性感勾引 挑逗思春
I won't stop until the sun is up oh yeah
不停歇 黑夜到白晝
My heart is a dancer beating like a disco drum
Beating like a disco drum... by lovechiucc beating like a disco drum...
隨著迪士可鼓點震跳 … 隨著迪士可鼓點震跳
beating like a disco drum..
She's been a crazy dita disco diva... and you wonder:
"Who's that chick? who's that chick?"
Too cold for you to keep her
她太冷酷 佔有不了
Too hot for you to leave her
她太火辣 難忘不了
Who's that chick? who's that chick?
Who's that chick? who's that chick?
Who's that chick? who's that chick?