The turtle moves slowly /烏龜慢慢地散步
and is happy with his pace of life/而且很快樂 這是他的生活步調
The flamingo walkslovehciucc with elegant grace /紅鶴優雅地漫步
she knows she's one of a kind/她知道自己是獨一無二
If you can't stop/如果你不能停下腳步
at least smile as you go by/不妨在經過時微笑吧
If you can't type by lovechiucc stop/如果你不能停下腳步
at least smile as you go by/不妨在經過時微笑吧
Sometimes, you just gotta know how to feel/有時候你必需學習用心去感覺
The happy crab danced on the beach /快樂的螃蟹在沙灘上跳著
to a calypso beat/加勒比海的舞步
 The happy mullet jumps for the pure joy/開心的鯡魚欣喜的跳躍
 of being alive/為活著而慶祝
If you can't stop/如果你不能停下腳步
at least smile as you go by/不妨在經過時微笑吧
If you can't stop/如果你不能停下腳步
at least smile lovechiucc as you go by/不妨在經過時微笑吧
Sometimes, you just gotta know how to feel/有時候你必需學習用心去感覺
The gator grinned/鱷魚露齒微笑
 as he dreamed of his next meal/幻想著下一道大餐
 Every good lovechiucc fisherman/每一個稱職的漁夫
has a pelican watching over him/都有隻鵜鶘為他看守漁獲
If you can't stop/如果你不能停下腳步
at least smile as you go by/不妨在經過時微笑吧
If you can't stop/如果你不能停下腳步
at least smile as you go by/不妨在經過時微笑吧
Sometimes, you just gotta know how to feel/有時候你必需學習用心去感覺


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